We teach the Bhagavad-gita to Teenage Girls (age 13 to 17)

We teach the Bhagavad-gita to Teenage Girls (age 13 to 17)

Ashta-Sakhi Group: This is a weekly program conducted every Sunday and is meant for girls only in the age group of 13 to 17 years. This is a very precocious age and proper guidance here could be the difference between a person of impeccable character or otherwise.

The focus here is to provide girls with

  • An entry level understanding of the nuances of serious and systematic sastric study
  • A high-quality platform for girls to gain from association of like-minded peers and seniors. For this purpose, we also organise life-transforming camps and events
  • Inspiration and explanation of foundational concepts and principles through examples of peerless women in scriptures and history
  • Developing a sense of purpose in life through impeccable values and standards

Besides the offline programs, we also conduct several online programs especially revolving around our Festivals, Important events etc. Personal mentoring and feedback mechanisms are also in place so that these girls will always know that there is someone who not only cares for them but is always available for them whenever needed. Girls coming out of this program may be expected to be highly sensitive to higher goals, extremely balanced in their approach, dependable and of impeccable character.