Pitru Paksha

ISKCON Pune CAMP can help you this year with Pitru Paksha. Deliver your ancestors.

  • We can offer Tulasi leaves on behalf of your Ancestors. Fill this Google form and give names. This is a Free service.
  • Gift Srimad Bhagavatam. Donate Rs.7000 and we will distribute a box of Marathi Bhagavad-gita (32 qty) or a complete Srimad Bhagavatam set in your name to the needy villagers in rural Maharashtra. On last day of Pitru Paksha (14th Oct 23) we will be doing a Yajna in our temple – you can sit in the Yajna along with your family and offer oblations to your Ancestors. Click here to Donate.
  • Call Rahul Vyas 74986 78552 or send him an instant WhatsApp message.